Saturday, May 16, 2009

Hate is also a form of Love ???

Read these lines somewhere.... and feel everyone who loved someone, male or female must have at one point of time gone through the same feeling..may be just for a fraction of second....

"I've never felt like this before, I'm overwhelmed by an unbelievably amount of hatred for her, yet, I couldn't be more in love. it's like I want to throw her out into traffic, then risk my life to save her"

Hating someone or loving someone require same amount of effort....but hating someone you love is not the same kind of hate that you have for some criminal or someone who has been bad to you or your loved ones...saying that you feel hatred for someone you love is more of a kind of love....its just a word you use for the negativity you feel when in love...In general hatred is one of the worst feeling that one can have for anyone....and its solely should be reserved for people who cause harm to innocent people.

PS: One more of my crappy posts..I started writing just the quote and then don't know what I was writing :-P


  1. :) The post maybe going everywhere, in terms of thought line, but it makes all the sense! So, go on!
