Wednesday, July 15, 2009


"In real love you want the other person's good. In romantic love you want the other person."
--Margaret Anderson

Its good if both merge into one but if thats not the case then you have a constant fight with yourself trying to make sure that both don't contradict or at least the first remains the main motive.

This is my 100th published post :)


  1. I wonder if one can differentiate b/w the two. When in love, everyone believes that it's the first kind. It's the receiver of the love, who can actually tell whether it's the first or the second! So, I think I don't really agree with your deductions from the quote.. :)

  2. And, congrats for the Century! :)
    Now, can you please remove the word verification in your comment post settings!? It's painful to post a comment here with the word verification.

  3. See we can only talk from the givers point of view because somebody very rightly said "You have no control over what the other guy does. You only have control over what you do." So the kind of love I am feeling for one is what I can control , I cannot control what the other person is interpreting or feeling from it and in the same way I being a receiver cannot judge the love I am getting, I can only assume it to be as real or romantic unless told so.... What I wanted to say was that when romantic love or the love to have the other person is conflicting with the benefit of that other person or real love,then one should always try to put real love above romantic love... its tough but that is what is needed.


    Word verification will be removed soon :)
